Tag Archives: NOLA

An Inconvenient Truth

goreShould we prepare for other threats besides terrorists?

I didn’t see this when it first came out. It’s currently a 99cent rental on iTunes so I’m catching up with it now. Recently, my computer started playing back iTunes rentals with a delay between the audio and video. I’m going to stop using the service.

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Beasts of the Southern Wild

Everybody’s daddy dies.

I was expecting to like this film more than I did. I thought a lot of the camera work was distracting (think Blair Witch Project) and the voice over narration felt like it was in every other scene. Not to be a film nerd, but I would rather be shown than told when I’m watching a movie. There were some sequences in the film that I loved, but other parts where I got kind of bored and had a hard time understanding what the filmmakers were trying to do. The actors playing the two main characters were both great. So much so I think I would have just rather seen more about their relationship and the types of things he taught her.

Gut reaction: 3/5

One film I like more: Take Shelter

One film I like less:  Where the Wild Things Are