Category Archives: documentary

Woyzeck (Completist Series – Werner Herzog)


I’d rather have a knife in my body than your hand on me.

This is the first film that we watched in our Werner Herzog completist series. It’s really awesome. It’s dark, funny and weird. That a great combination. I wasn’t sure what to expect with early Herzog, but this was every bit as good as the films of his I have seen. I’m excited to continue down this path.

Here is a trailer for the film.

Next we are going to watch Grizzly Man. I’ve seen it before, but I really like it.

Gut reaction: 4/5



It’s annoying to have to dust my dad’s trophy wall.

I was in college when this came out. I didn’t see it at the time, but have been meaning to catch up with it. As a film, it’s kinda ugly. Lots of the footage is pretty low-grade and I don’t think the filmmakers ever really figured out how to film this sport. The final game they show looks pretty boring, but I imagine it isn’t if you’re watching a full game. Those problems aside, it’s a pretty cool film. It’s definitely worth seeing.

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frontline-wikisecrets-julian-assange-bradley-manning-and-wikileaksThis is about as good as We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks. The major difference is this Frontline documentary streams for free and came out two years earlier. A lot of the interviews in the newer film are with the same people, saying basically the same things. If you want to see Adrian Lamo cry make sure you watch We Steal Secrets.

I still don’t feel like I understand this story very well. Both films would benefit from a more in-depth discussion of leaks and the first amendment.

We Steal Secrets: The Story of Wikileaks

We steal secretsI like crushing bastards.

This film is in limited release right now. I usually see releases like this at the Sundance Cinema in Madison, WI but I’m in rural Georgia doing my doctoral research right now. Fortunately, it is available to rent via iTunes currently for less than the price of a movie ticket. I did about nine hours of observational research and interviewing yesterday, so I decided to watch it in bed before falling asleep.

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An Inconvenient Truth

goreShould we prepare for other threats besides terrorists?

I didn’t see this when it first came out. It’s currently a 99cent rental on iTunes so I’m catching up with it now. Recently, my computer started playing back iTunes rentals with a delay between the audio and video. I’m going to stop using the service.

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